No business on continental ground
Despise the politicians? We need a Clean Air Act ! The smog hogs the Christmas log - too much chocolate with not enough cake! Putting down bleech won't flush our 'Great barrier reef' of social division. Here's the pitch:Don't stop trying just stop lying! Dependency is relentlessly fogging-up! Clue yourself up! Or just run down the clock! The EU rock is clucking, so steer clear and change gear.
Does Brexit hex it? Flex it? Or select it? Will we have the pass 'the 'port that the referendum wanted? 2nd referendum could lead to a'definitive' 3rd, or more gore for number 4? Or bust/Must we fuss about the gusts of the 'wind of change'? 'Just' can be rust or rust can be bust? Just clearing the way to make someone pay more for my Paintings! So the big 'B', what does it mean to me? Simply? Losing a continent market! No business on continental ground when theirs no pound around! but sacrifices still make a cake just not the size of slice I used to take. My banks, my rules look dry, more like a potential drought that can't count will knock the supply! But brave start Britain will winter well and all will swill when hell and the Thames don't freeze over ! 'Leaf''doesn't have to make clover, rover! It just has to make more than pounds ,shillings and pence and not just a political supernova!
And we pay politicians not to do the political splits when they've got their dirty mits on our account without having to account? What the 'F' is that all about? Hectic sceptic runs through our veins,apoplectic reject it claims to remain.Who remains? What remains? For whom remains? For whom does the remain tell? Advice:Flame by flame mayentice, but 'blame the game' will not suffice! "Are you ready to ru..m..ble?! Fist pumping and gladitorial stumping? No! Go to your own rumble sale. 'Looking for a New England'? Or just looking for another to unfirl! My world starts now! I don't want to go on tour, I'm not the one I'm looking for, I'm just another political hole in the flaw! Like Shirley I'll take it to the Greek on my own feet. I have my own race to chase! Doing my thing is no disgrace and I'm not here to waste the space! This is my place! I remain the same 'let it rain, let it rain let it rain in my Britain! 'Prepare for impact' is on track! Now this is a proper crunch and not some rabbit punch of our own making! The sword of Assarov is for taking! Now if it is all the same to you, now's the time to be game and not just form a queue. 'It's a roll over' isn't enough, so go negotiate and do your stuff! Break their balls! Could call for restraint? There are laws that you can't ignore!....But that is just the point!! Brexit wants to make its own laws without having to be responsible for anyone or anywhere else. We can help and support without you having to take us to court, overwrought EU should not be coming near you! That's our choice..I fear a wrong choice in the short term, but don't flinch when you're are in a clinch!