R- A survivalist on a crash diet of self-destruction How do you plan for that?
S- The path is always random, everything or nothing, or things split down the middle.
R- You are so...'work!' I'll tell you what you need mate,get yourself some philosophy
S- All that outback and you're steering me into a crash !
R- All that training mate? What happens next ?
S- Yer know what yer got there mate, all fast forward !
R- What a team !
S- Bit late for that, just too Roman !
R- Knowall the bloody Romans have gone !
S- They don't make-em like they used to.
R- What a great beauty !
S- I don't even know how to spell out back!
R- 'To where you once belonged !' Yer know what you've got there mate ?
S- Some Beetles is what I've got
S- There was this Chellist..
R- Skip the rolling haybale once in a trillion etc
S- Clogs !
R-This is rigged !.oh, slows me down...
S- Just luck !
R- You're a Lucky man '
S- And so are you !
R- Joel and Ethan ?
S- I'll look up Joel and Ethan, but I don't want to spend to much time raining on your parade.
R- Every time I look up something in the Dictionary, I feel that I have to correct or at least change the definitions...It gives me fever!!
S- Don't look at me ! If you want to start a fight then let the fever take you !....just leave my features alone !
R- ...I'll leave it to the 3 degrees to sweep-up afterwards
S- Okay reader, she means her 3 bodyguards !
R- SDV, are not a sexually transmitted disease ! Why belly-ache when one has helped some Russians get work here in Blighty ?
S- Violence does not rule the world Ran
R- Just the threat of it !
S- Mutual cowardice does it for me
R- So the deterrent factor is that...er..help me out here Painter...
S- Terrorized by fear Randall ! The threat of not being a coward.... scares the living daylights out of every one! Long live cowardice !
R- Hang-on? That is bloody deterrent you berk!
S- As I said mutual cowardice does it for me every time !
R- But is it the right cowardice?
S- Tell your shrink to leave bone fide cowardice alone !
R- He's my Priest !
S- You confess to him, that bits true, but er..........
R- So he doesn't dress-up in black and cut you in to quarters metaphorically
S- That's the sign of the cross Ran
R- I too have talents that 'my Priest' says I have in abundance..
S-......Including Sergei, Dimitri and Vladimir doing your dirty work for you.
R- " Go Liberals go !"
S- Economy rates?
R- " Go, go, go,..."
S- Why do you pay for a service when you can confess to the Priest for free?
R- Clogs Painter! Time is in the moment..where can I get a Priest at this time of night ?
S- Access issues. Now I get it !
S- Hail junkie to living in the here,right now'!
R- All modus operendi here hardly got himself down as an trailblazer ! They've been messing with your head for centuries..
S- And yet your letting a stranger,who claims to be as reliant as a Volvo into your head when the likelihood is that he needs you more than you need him!
R-On the money ! I pay him his fee, and he pays me for my training of him. That way I know what's on his mind !
S- Your 'Priest' actually confesses to you?
R- It was a little tricky at first but....
S- You can't control every one here Ran !
R- But I can enjoy the freedom of trying !
S- Alright Ms Singer better the splutter mutter from your, no you're are his handler, and working yourself up into anger management issues ....
R- Flip a coin ? Sway with the breeze until you wheeze into middle-age !
S- You need a Cornish cave to set-up a 'school for indoctrination'
R- You probably have lousy taste in music too !
S- Vamp of the lamp suits you too !
R- How many 'too's can we two do ?
S- My record is 23 consecutively !
R- My limits 12...but then I cheated !
S- You think that what will occupy my mind won't be my superior number but that 'you cheated'me out of enjoying it ! How will you control me next?
S- Bingo ! We have a winner ! 'Silence' ! You now know why Monks and Nuns go sometimes into strict orders - to make others talk !
R- If you confess to a monk or a nun are your secrets safe ?
S- My lips are sealed ! But there's may be not !!??!!
R- I knew I couldn't trust that bitch Olga !
S- Did Olga kiss and tell ?Trust me with your fears Randall Sayer..
S- Okay, what did the cow do?
R- Olga wasn't a very loud sister, quite self-contained before she went into a convent.
S- Sister?
R- I have about 30 or 40 half brothers and half sisters...and I thought she could be relied upon !
S- What could she do to compromise you?
R- Sweet FA
S- That means 'sweet fanny adams' for all of you who have a rational mind and..
R-....Not like ours !
S- Leave me out of this !
S- Okay , leave me into it too !
R- I should have left her in Brooklyn !
S- That was last week not this week !
R- Busy week !
R- What if she tells every body that I've no real secrets to get worried about ?
S- Goodness ! If that got out ?
R- I'd be ruined !
S- If you draw the line at Christian Priest's how about a Rabbi?
R- They'll see right through me !
S- But isn't that the idea?
R- Confess to something that is genuine and get exonerated immediately because of my honesty ! Trust people to respect honesty ! They'll hate me for it !
S- The Rabbi ?
R- No, the Rabbi supports Arsenal instead of Chelsea...that is my default position. Never will I trust an Arsenal supporter again !
S- Honesty is the best policy for freaking people-out, I must say !
R- I thought that was ambivalence?
R- Hang- on !How did you know I got freaked out when Arsenal won the League ?
S- How long ago was that ? Are we talking ancient history ?
R- Rhetorical!
S- Don't worry ! I can keep that a secret !
R- I'm relying on you here Stephen !.........
S- ..............unlike Olga !
R- She now works at Sainsbury's in Watford !
S- Was she booted out of the convent then?
R- No! She was so good at being silent that Mother-superior talent spotted her for missionary work !
S- At Sainbury's, in Watford ?
R- She's on a mission..
S- Don't get all Blues brothers on me?
R- Who the hell are the Blues Brothers?
R. Don't give me the silent treatment?
R- Okay, I'm sorry !
S- They were the 'Priest's of white trash blues' before you were born
Do not mock them or insult a University God from my first year !
R- Starving of culture were you?
S- Absolutely and proud of it !
S- What are you doing ? Isn't that a yellow and red card from a Referees note book?
R- I've saved it for this moment
S- Why?
R- To be honest I don't actually know?
S- Something that your 'Priest' gave you?
S- The bastard ! He's been hypnotizing you without you realizing !!?!!
R- Fuck it ! He now knows all my lack of secrets !
S- And that is why honesty will shine !
R- Serves that fucker right !
S- What are you going to do..I mean don't tell me if it involves blood...?
R- Let it play-out
S- So the 3 degrees won't be singing someones heart out today?
R- Revenge is best served with a warrant. Mum's the word !
S- Literally?
R- What do you think Painter ??!!