Nazi's believed they had been liberated by themselves as the superior race as the only ones who could had been capable of understanding their destiny in a third Reich, whilst they used everyone else as 'victims of inferiority' who self-defined themselves as such because only the superior race could personify and manifest it! Only the Nazi's were destined by some obsession with the occult could brag of being primal even paradoxically sub-human to unleash an anti-moral code that would gratify their thirst for de-humanizing their hitherto social and economic betters, out of hate/envy and revenge. Crystalizing their plan of anti-individualization, desocializing and decontextualising their statement of national disassociation with any loyalties to what was seen as a parody of Germanic mediocrity was permeated with excuses that had 'lost Germany the 1st world War’! However, an ant-semitic bile once again solved the social neurosis of Nazi's, and this ancient bigotry that had pervaded Europe for millennia upon millennia was retained, just amplified to levels of hysteria, in order to transfer that prejudice from the past that could be renewed by self-conscious extremes into the bloodstream of Nazi Germany; by injecting the old mythologies of pan European ignorance, Nazi' hate criminality were able to 'authenticate it by hyperbole' as a genuine Nazi new seminal perspective! Not for the first time would old inadequacies be revamped in the modern 20th century pantheon of brutality to facilitate internal contradictions of an ultimately deemed to failure Fascist regime!! In fact, Nazi's tried to conceal their short-term limited lifespan by trying to automate hate criminality and an aversion to 'consent by moderation'! War was consecrated on the fake altar of mechanization and military conquest for a Third Reich for a thousand years! But I believe that any Nazi victory would have ultimately been more vulnerable to their deadly enemy-Bolshevism' rather than a democratic society!!! Hitler may well have paraded all over Europe hypothetically if he'd won the war, but the only Empire capable of using Nazi-like statism of a dictatorial nature was Stalinism! Stalin had imposed Holodomor (7/8 million Ukrainians starved because of collectivization under Stalin in the 1930s), but who else could conceive of imperial revenge but a Red army of the 1930s, or if history played itself out, because of 'code named Barbarossa'?? Hitler's armies were built for blitzkrieg and not for occupation, and the USSR was built for swallowing-up its invaders by endless and exhausting horizons and the terrors of the Russian winter in order to provide the Red Army to regenerate! So, what if Stalingrad or Moscow were taken (they weren't), factories for the replenishment of the Red Army was highly mobile and the retaking of lost Russian ground when 300 Russian tanks were built every week could have been initiated from Vladivostok to the Baltic. Moreover, the Nazi economy was dependent on territory and much needed material-taking but was too easily prone to overheating or being overstretched, whereas the Red Army did not have to fight on more than one front, (albeit a huge expanse of land) whereas since Pearl Harbour and the over ambitious German General Rommel in North Africa, Nazi forces had to deal with the internal threats of Guerilla warfare of various Resistance movements all over Nazi occupied Europe!
Hitler had to be seen to dictate as Fuhrer of the Nazi's and constantly give a lead as the author of 'Mein Kampf', that became another self-destructive self-delusion of the Nazi's; he did as much damage to the Nazi military by his self-impersonation of a self-proclaimed Messiah of Fascism (he was no military tactician ) as Stalin did to the Red Army in assassinating his Generals before the Nazi invasion!!! Both of these dictators would eventually be seen as threats to their own ideological perverse creations by over-reliance on their own mutated convictions. too! An over-simplified version of unerringly primal binary logic endorsed by mass manipulation of their military forces, peasantry and petit bourgeois urban resenters, who discovered, pioneered and self-consciously exposed themselves to ideological gullibility by mutual consent that enabled over-controlling centralization and absolute conformity should have alarmed all of Europe!! Why? Because the Nazi's evolved a penchant for its execution of its most loyal supporters that were seen as potential rivals by Hitler and suddenly became traitors with a bullet in the brain overnight! This ruthless cynicism paradoxically had been developed by Hitlers contemporary other 'Sith’, (just like the Star Wars films, there are always two) Stalin, and such tactics of Hitler to remove any threat occupied psychologically Nazi fears of Communism too! Too many cuckolds and too many cuckoos that if any one Sith appears, logic would reveal an opponent in time, and free democracies naively think there will never be a reemergence of Right- or Left-wing extremism?
Fascist and Communist ideologies now are armed with the knowledge that there was a mutual contempt of the middle-classes, but whilst Fascists manipulated the moderation of the suburbs into hysteria and quasi-worship of a 'superman', not only did Marxists misunderstood and were over dependent on the rise of the Bourgeoisie that were crucial to trigger their Proletarian Revolution (to sweep away corruption ,profit and inequality) but that the faith of Liberal democracy was misplaced in its conviction that social mobility would prevent social unrest and the lurch into political polarisation,, and would be unable to act as a peacemaker between the 2 'Extremist empires' because it was founded on dubious grounds itself and could be made vulnerable to either! Of course, fear the bear but beware of the snake in your bed! So any intervention by any constitutional democracy in the 40s or whenever, must tread very carefully, which is why Chamberlain tried to navigate by not joining either side during the Spanish civil war, and trying to explore how to offer Czechoslovakia to Hitler in order to provoke a Stalinist Soviet Union reaction by increasing geographical paranoia to envelop and provoke a savage mutual enmity under the noses of Stalin and in Hitlers new backyard! This would only induce a limited European war and not a worldwide conflict which Britain and America didn't want and were not prepared for! How do we know this strategy was seen a mile off by the two aggressors? Because they made a pact to a mutually agreed carving up of Poland! Indeed, Mr Chamberlain, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and Franco wanted you to believe that you could clean-up in Europe after a destruction of European extremism by their own hands, and they knew that the best way to avoid that right up to September 1939, was to let Britain and France remain unprepared to defend its allies by maintaining the play of open non-military build-up to give no motive for any outbreak of war that would include Britain and France! Imagine Chamberlain offers half of Europe to extremism and doesn't even build-up its military - Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and Franco must have been laughing all the way to Poland!
But we engage in a post-ideological puritanical world and a competitive global environment today, in which 2 systems China of Marxist-Leninist and Capitalism is beginning to test the Western economic hegemony over global deregulated neoliberalism by a vision of Marxist-Dialectical Materialism is stretched until it may justify a U-turn that claims that only Chinese communism was ever going to survive and be sustainable beyond all rivals! Chinese nationalism has traded-in any internationalism that is anchored by the CCP as not just the only Soviet regime remaining but has been self-sustainable beyond the Cold War, in order to reinstate 'Marxist orthodoxy'. Indeed, the Soviet Union was thus destined to fall to reinstate the uniqueness of CCP! It was an inevitability!???? So China can boast it is an ancient and scientifically superior ideology where every citizen must use all the skill sets in the global business world to engage and ultimately be the most powerful Capitalist economy and be the ultimate in Marxist-Leninism too! Then it can redistribute wealth from a superior position! etc All a bit heretical?? Marxism got improvisational. No certainties, no absolute science? and profit making? No doubt that Communist China will always be ready to pull the plug or turn up the tap of global economies? A ha, it's omnipotent power over others you seek? 'China first', sounds like 'America first'......too many superpowers in each other's backyard?