Progressive and populist the Tories enjoy a far wider network of viability, an amalgamation of all of its organic political spectrum and a broader narrative and a true dialogue with the real human wealth: the wealth of choice. For instance,whilst Labour cower behind the sofa a parliamentary or a referendum will open views on Brexit. The reality is that that vote will be between May Brexit and Boris Brexit rather than 'in or out' a vote. That ship has already sailed. These diverse perspectives do not share what is politically possible but what ideal should be protected. It reflects an eco-system of choice without ignoring the ethnicity of the Tory DNA. Forget the Left instead choose your shade of blue.
Loyalty to the party remains treasured and bold. Conservatives do not however have to rely just on die-hard loyalty but fidelity to the plethora of Conservatism's where gut-instinct meets philosophical inquiry to extract the most from simple allegiance. The UK however, is part of an unprecedented global movement that explores the nature of free market economics with local conditions.In the US,we have seen Neo-Cons and Tea-partiers and Trumpism cooperate with close association even if its past policy-making is diverse. Neo-Con military advisers and planners contrast with Trump's ability to win wars without engaging military hostilities. Trump is unique, and in spite of his bellicose demands from his foreign policy, he has yet to launch a large scale military attack - contrast that with his Republican predecessors? Yet I am persuaded that his bark is not as bad as his bite. Respected or feared, Trump has no time for shrinking violets and he presides over a conservative (with a small 'c') global phenomenon at the very top of the political food-chain, and this is the nearest thing to a peace dividend from the end of the 'Cold War'.
However, there have been casualties along the way. and Boris is one of them.Boris is both ahead and before his time.I have no doubt that Boris is a man of the 1980's who could have explained Thatcherism far better than Margaret could. Both charismatic, Thatcher was confrontational whist Boris is less formal but potentially equally as ruthless.His energy and joie de vivre would have encouraged a completely different variant and skill set of Tories to serve in public office. Boris could have convinced his party and the electorate that he was the best candidate to deregulate , privatize and destroy any threat abroad and at home. He could well have survived having a dozen mistresses, and scandal up to his ears like no other politician in this country, by not blinking.. Boris like no other politician in the 1980's could have pulled-it off! He is the antithesis of tip-toeing around the palace of Westminster,and he needs brash and in your face brazen.Thatcher was kranky because she didn't sleep well, whereas Boris enjoys sleeping in. Thatcher was black and white analogue, Boris is a riot of colour and yet accident prone - Thatcher didn't have the context to make easy decisions but Boris would have put his foot in it to as 'his process of elimination. Oh how he would never have let Thatcher stigmatize (in some people's eyes) free market economics the way that she did! Such is the regret I feel for the ' Boris ticket' instead of Thatcher, and May instead of 'Gothic Jacob' . That's right I think Boris has been too damaged to take charge at the top job. Brexit has damaged Boris whilst Gothic Jacob's stock is on the rise, yet Gothic Jacob is not a vote winner in the wider field of the electorate. That leaves a stop Gothic Jacob ticket the only viable alternative. Do the math and wait for the next Boris gaff! He can pull it off as a dalliance of flamboyance, but for how long? When will he next insult someone or a region of the country? When will he realize that bad timing and gross bad luck have left him 'had'? Too young for Thatcher's generation, still too inexperienced for Major's generation and too wounded by scandal that has made his flamboyance seem a risk too far today. Not having the rub of the green is quietly being nurtured by some very competent performers that stand in his way to the top job.
Hard realism rather than rhetoric fused with idealism will win the day and Boris knows it.But if he can't get to the top, maybe his legacy will be stopping his competitors? You decide.