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A new political force

A new political force, a new definition of society via the mass communication of social media but a superhighway for hackers and fraudsters who may use hate crime to hijack social media to exploit a new loophole in the popular and the unpopular to propagate criminality by the back-door of 'shared opinionation' ! In short, people are taking the blue pill and hiding behind mass anonymity.

Trial by intrusive hate crime is no longer just the preserve of teenage kicks getting out of hand, but have become even the issues of some of our favourite TV shows, like 'Homeland', 'Capture' and the counterintuitive misogyny of 'Handmaiden' that are definitively revealing to us the aspect of mass social media that is not filming abuse by thuggish policemen in Iran or in America, but are now the immediate mass 'con troll trick' or con trick to focus on individuals who have no recourse to right to reply let alone the right to reply in kind ! By mass proxy we have made economic, social pain experienced in recovery from the post Cold War, but the enduring war in Ukraine and the recession that has followed, the post Covid lockdowns still tormenting us as a society and the need to unleash anger at Westminster for its shortcomings on people who sound like someone and people who look like someone. What it does explain is that we're still feeling cabin fever and attributing our passive aggressive 'very British' rejection of Thatcher's 'no such thing as society' in a wave of mass communication ! Perhaps we Brits agree with the tabloids being forced to apologize on page nine in very small print and not held to account ? Well, I think Prince Harry is representing all of us when he has the guts (as any soldier trained in the British Army should ) to risk tabloid cynical derision just to protect the good name of his family ! However , I believe there's more to trolls and hackers given full reign here !

I believe there's a test, an experiment going on here ! It maybe more scientific to analyse and watch social media, its influence, its progress and its regress as a powerful ally as well as a threat to our countries security and its benevolence, in the wrong hands ! As a weapon it could prove to be very influential in defending and uniting the country, and we have to find out its triggers and its potential ! I would have thought that this is how we have justified technical superiority over the Soviets for over 60 years etc, by opening-up our selective laboratory experiments on ourselves first ; I'm sure that was the reason for the great British scientist Alan Turing defining the 'Turing Test' to protect us against his greatest achievement : the computer gaining 'AI consciousness' beyond human capacity to control ! But we forget that we have also have defined with Social media, not just a new concept of 'Society', but also a new vision of the 21st century of a 'workforce' that by the unique advantages of social anonymity (patrolled by the proper authorities) to transcend mere bigotry like racism, sexism classism and homophobia, and create this potential loyalty factor that enables us to rise above the undesirable discriminative devaluation of humanity, by this mass culture, to purge and control opponents and defend supporters ! But with all risks and experiments there's always the difficulty that people are not 'software' and we may have to live in a 'hate crunch' temporarily; until we can analyse the data !


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