R- Crawling?
S- Just under a rock !
R- Don't look under it !
S- Don't look into it either!
R- You'd better have a better than that ?!
S- Tedium ! And when does it ever stop ?
R- Whenever you stop dealing the cards. So DEAL!
S- Emotional response get's you better cards ?
R- Every time !
S- More like schmuck it all over !
R- Henry will not be amused !
S- Epiphany's are us, just with the ....
R- ..................................................ex- mother in laws, and the multitude of........
S- Wives ? Where ever he left his crown was his home !
R- Poker or what ?
S- .......dot ?
R- And that was all she wrote...
S-...........................because she'd lost her head
R- You don't come back from a long term injury of that magnitude!
S- ..you never know, they could do a repair job these days?
R- Do you really want to resurrect another Anne prefers Berlin to Weymouth?
S-You couldn't resist it could you ?
R- You should have opened with that ?
S- I'm sure we all feel 30 pounds lighter but why the sly mister sly?
R- Take the intellect off your feet !
S- Now you 've got me thinking about weights and measures !
R- Tread carefully ! Dangerous waters !
S- That would be the piranha's !
R- Why don't you walk you through it ?
S- I've got a back ache !
R- Why the Reg ?
S- To dislocate your tongue ! WEEP and DREAM at the cards that mean me is a little richer !
R- Stop the season for your jibber-jabber !
S- With good reason !
R- Men are apes !
S- "Freud was wrong ? Men cheat because they're intimidated by their mother in laws ?" What are you saying ?
R- You said that originally !
S- But I never meant it !
R- Miss Science says you are ready for a Fabreeze replacement?
S- You mean... Juanita ?
R- You've given 'her' a name ?
S- I'm going to make a lot of money out of your 'fabreeze' that borders on an earthy cologne .......................from someone else's past..
R- You want to become a dealer !?
S-...............................old rope ! I want to become a supplier before someone steals my idea !
R- Sure ! Your idea ! New invention !?
S- I'll call it 'dope a..mean'?
S- What do you think ?
R- I'm ....very...very ..impressed, no, doesn't do it credit ,seems to undercut how......impressed ! I am truly...
S- It is multi-purpose too !
R- Whilst ...lifting heavy..... machinery ?
S- You can use it as 'TOOTH PASTE !
R- Now you truly have the world at your feet !
S- I know right!!?? R- Don't forget the patent...down at City hall and re enforce it by registering it at the police station ! Boy are you going to make friends !
S- They could use it in space ...as a...
R-...............................................as a...?
S- Personal support mechanism !
R- That would do it !
S- But why stop there ?
R- Limitless...and now I feel guilty that I've not been helpful in your discoveries !!
S- It wasn't your fault !
R- I ...disagree! And the comment about women in space..?
S- A gender free zone...'in space'?
R- Now the billboards are up in my imagination ! You are incredible!
S- I know, I'm sure women will be riveted?!
R- What ever slows them down takes away their frown ! And women will always be grateful for your idea of a 'space brothel too !'
S- It's all gold Randall !
R- ..........it surely is! There sucker ! Eat shit and die trying !
S- That's not exactly the present nomenclature for..
R-............................................................................Give me your money and I'll leave you with some shrapnel of political correctness !
S- I'm not sure that's actu....
R-...................................Hey ! Are we playing cards in which you will inevitably lose to the .....better player !
R- There it is ! All that lovely lovely !
S- You should have given me the cue to run away earlier!
R- How it must feel to lose and feel intimidated by me too !? Job done !
S- Back off ! Get away from my pockets !
R- You do not have a friend in low places do you ?!
S- Don't tell me about society !? I know society !
R- This is the part when you depart !
S- Just listen to yourself ?!
R- All that nonsense about patents ? All that space race,gender stuff? What a load of cobblers !
S- It threw you off th........
R-..............................the scent? really? Get over yourself !
S- Didn't you suspect I'd have some trick up my sleeve in which I had superior confidence in by all the bullshit I was coming out with ?
R- You can't rig the game ! Spock was right! BUT I DID ! I can now afford to buy you Full pint of beer !
S- You took the shrapnel to the cleaners all fir and square ! You deserve the copper mountain now in your pocket !
R- Next time can we play for higher stakes...............'mummy'?
S- No! I'm the ..
R- You are so not the daddie!
S- You own a personal fortune having swindled me out of all that was in my pocket !
R- You have bus money in your wallet!
S- You have money in all parts of the world, but not ANY LONGER !
R- That was too quick ! I hadn't even dealt the cards...
S-........................................................................but the cards have spoken !
R- Where was the switch ? Stitched-up or supplied with some...
R- What does she supply you with? A crystal ball or does she think she can strong arm a 'I will strong(ly) (h)arm her' ?
R- Did you divorce each other so you guys could keep together?
S- In sickness and health, for richer or poorer, till death us do part ! 'Part' with your slosh cos I' like the dosh !
R- I've self-evidently under-estimated the strength of the bonds of marriage !
S- Marriage can be a mutually successful confrontation, whereas after divorce,,you miss the mutually agreeable aggro ! We hate each other for so many reasons that we cling to each other !
R- Bullshit right!?
S- Absolutely !
R- Fucking bitch?
S- She liked you too !
R- Good to know !