R- Loving the UFC !
S- Just don't get ourselves into trouble by mouthing-off Randall !
R- Real Punch against Judy stuff ! Of course I'll keep shtum ! But there are 5 Dimitri's for our protection just in case !
S- Are you talent spotting for mummy tonight ?
R- Always
R- What? So every ones a Leslie Winkle today !
S- She's a fictional character...
R- Based upon my cousin 'the fearsome one !'
S- ...and your cousin ...does she star in social ventriloquism too?
R- You and your social anxiety !
S- It's the 'imitation limitation game Brucie !
R- Men do need just an echo to self importance don't they !
S- Shirk the shrink is quite macho Randall
R- They should have called you lot the 'Thick lit !'
S- ..and women's...
R-........................La chic every week !
S- And why do men not get it ?
R- They are faster at not getting it...
S- And women just slow roll to nuance 'miss-understanding'!?
R- Alright here goes : Men betray women, women outwit men, but women outsmart each other but in an under-dose of friendly fire !
S-.....................................................but men have the last laugh as humans become extinct !' You've said it before,time and time again! Put together that 'Ladies and gentlemen' is the best contraception of self-destruct I've ever heard !
R- Is there a point you're trying to make here ?
S- Just watching the fight !
R-..............................just watching the fight ? No, you were manipulating and misquoting me !
S- Did I misrepresent you Ran ?
R- When don't you ?
S- When was the last time ?
S- Ok, I get it !
R- Stick to friendly fire and you will not ruin my day !
S- ..Did you see that ?!
R- See it? I've got half a pint of that tall fighter's blood on my cheek !
S- Here , there's a hanky !
R- Man and kind don't normally go together ! What do you want Painter ?
S- Find me a lake to jump in !
R- You want me to find you some geography here ?
S- Goodness, she's fighting back !
S- She's broken something ...
R- A record is what she's broken ! And there are some teeth on the floor !
S- Haven't we seen a fight night before ?
R- But today's is in London !
S- Thanks for the effortless condescension
R- My pleasure !
S- Why do we always gender talk ?
R- You know this !
R-.........go on...
S- Women ...want gender equality..but...
R- .............................you're almost there !
S-....................................................want ..gender ....some...inequality for pay back time ?
R- That's what I'm talking about !
S- Can I be on your side now ?
R- Inequality is like evolution, it gets to be useful and intelligent when used properly !
S- Yes my Queen !
R-.......Shut up moron !
S- Yes me Lady !
R- Let's take on some beer before the next fight !
S- So ...who's paying...?
R- No! i get it free ! In Paris and Berlin I have to use the green shield's, but here in London.....
S- Egalitarian's are more competitive than ever !
R- More competitive than our opponents !
S- You've got half a pint of blood competition still on my hanky !
R- You want to see women? Well here we are !!!
S- Thanks for the spoiler alert ! I wanted to find out myself !
R- Spoiler alert !? You must be referring to the next 4 fights ?
S- Never brag about fixing fights Randall !
R- Lock it in or run with it ! There are no other winning choices left !
S- You hoover this stuff up all the time don't you ?
R-... you can call me your Queenship'. by the way !
S- If I did you'd have nothing to do with me anymore ? Right..your Queenship'?
R- Run with it does not get you out ! I have you !
S- You've fixed the fights you haven't fixed me !?
R- We both know that that's just a pipe dream !
S- Why did Don Corleone retire? You'd have had endless fun screwing him up !
R- That ship sailed long ago ! He bored me in the end !
S- You are permanently toxic ! You are a walking Chernobyl !
R- Get you to the Burns Unit ASAP?
S- You're irony and hate !
R- And you're sarcasm and irony impaired !
S- Do we still have to keep in character?
R- Of course Mr mental migrator !
S- Fixing another fight ran ?
R- Alright ! You can be the social pathological nut job now !
S- Appreciated !
R- Quite !
S- Do you know where we are right now Randall?
R- What happened to the fight ?
S- That was 7 hours ago Ran.
R- So...I didn't do it again did I?
R- stop smirking ! What the hell is this run down barn doing in my London ?
S- It's commonly known as Shakespeare's Globe theatre
R- Good to know, just not great to have a back that aches..or a handkerchief that's blood stained?!! What the fuck?! You didn't let someone pull off some ....weird shit did to me did you?
S- Relax Randall ! That wasn't , that isn't your blood ! A UFC fight split someones lip open...what ......are you remembering?
R- Oh...yeh..
S- That's my girl !
R- I'm not your girl Painter..never.... okay? Now you're telling me you're just kidding ! Smart Alec with too much Paint-on !
R and S- At this stage we should let all our customers know that the character Stephen was not wearing any cosmetic make-up at this particular juncture..
S- Or ever !
R- They get it ! You're a bit touchy on the issue Painter...over-touchy?
S- You are a double-crossing.....hate machine who will always find planet manipulation !
R- Take the next step ! I've booked you in just now with Gerrry, a 6'2 blond at mum's place or should I call it pal................ace ?
S- Now you are being spiteful ! Just Text Gerry that there has been a mix-up and He can have the night off because Randall will pay him for it !! I wish him well , but i hope he finds a better employer than Ran, his current one !
R- Are you done ? So, let's go to St Petersburg !
S- How ? Not one of your worm of time again ? And I didn't like the submarine last time either...even if it was manned ..
S-..........................................by a female crew !
R- Over-compensation or what ?!!
S- And you weren't intrigued by an all female crew?
R- I slept with most of them on the trip !
S- So you weren't updating your diary.....when you said you wanted to be on your own in your sleeping quarters ?
R- I was....certainly dating...
S- .But you told me that it would be seen as unseemly to .... you bastard Randall! I hate you for a thousand years !
R- Competition always starts at home Painter !
S- Next time I won't hold you back, I'll let you do your thing..as long as you don't fix the competition Randall
R-And after tonight?
R- What have you learnt?
S- That Randall fixes fights and....therefore..... fixes her love interests ? Did you actually make Gerry up?
R- That would be me !
S- You used sling shots whilst using a catapult ?
R- ...be nice ! ...Lots of ...people watching........no swear united ?!
S- Where did I miss 'miss rigged the game' ? How could I have been so gullible? Because I wanted to ! Did we ever see a UFC fight Ran?
R- Well look at you? Mr meltdown himself !
S- You still don't know what happened before you woke-up at the Globe do you?
R- Dimitri will tell me
S- perhaps he will spin you a yarn because if he told you what really happened....he'd lose his job,career and his and his families lives ! How have you ever known what happens when you black-out like that ? Are you questioning Dimitri's fealty to you or your mother? What if lies are deliberately generated to black mail you ? Now who would do a thing like that Randall?
R- You're not capable of mean stuff, and the rest can go to hell !
S- Which do you think I'm impersonating: Lock it up Larry or run with it Rick ?
R- Please yourself ! Good to know that you ,given the right circumstances.................
S- I don't do survivalism like you Ran ! I do, let me through and I won't tell your partner that you mortgaged the kids !
R- And that works ?
S- Obviously not literally ! I just plant suspicion in there heads and then they get out of my way !!
S- No blackmail but a threat of blackmail isn't the same thing !
R- What do you think about Pisa?
S- What ?.. the leaning tower of ?
R- The very one. After we burn St Petersburg how about pulling the tower over ?
S- Don't try and assess me Ran !
R- It pisses you off doesn't it ! And the knowing that you are knowing...plant the seed and grow weeds in your head !
S- Leave my head alone !
R- We all know that's abit late don't we Painter !