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Live, Strive, and Keep!

A 'Green industrial Revolution' is not just another 19th century revisit, it's a self-transformation without the urgency of having to export it and impose it to unsuspecting colonies, or a nationalistic jingoistic demonstration of power but a way forward for all to perhaps follow to make not imperialism but to support anti climate change as part of a global response, which is the sustainability of a global village which 4 years of Trump can only delay. This British response is also as seminal as the Labour government of 1945-50, and Thatcher's government of 1983-87 ! Indeed, if we harness nature rather than destroying it, it could be as successful and permanent as the 'people's establishment', the NHS ! This is not just the root to social justice by non- fossil fuels but a fast track to recycle economic investment that will hold back the tide of climate change by using new generations of tidal natural non-fossil fuel power through our infinite natural island's resources , our sea's!! This will be our moment where we could produce more electricity than we need and could even export electricity that our tidal advantages enjoy !!! And why not use green fuels to drive our place in global market stability, especially if it doesn't need constant funding from the Exchequer or any other permanent state regulation?

Deconstruction to spin to heresy to post truth perversion and distortion, is our mix in the last 50 years ! What a political mix ! Perhaps we are seeing Sir Keir Starmer have the same authority and managerial style of Thatcher , just less sexist to other female politicians who I believe she said once that politics wasn't for women because of some gender life choices or even deficiencies, but then maybe she was an individualist and not a feminist, and perhaps because the Greenham Common women rattled her cage once too often ! But PM Starmer has to be 'all of Labour' and contrast with Blair and New Labour ? Shy sympathetic Blair doesn't come to mind when you think of Sir Keir ! But it is true to say that it is Marxist conversion to Capitalism in China that dominates this era of heretical ideological distortion !! How the hell did Marxist-Leninist China ever become the biggest (if not the most powerful) Capitalist trading block in the world ???! But perhaps China doesn't realise that the West is just waiting until China is dependent on Capitalism before it puts up barriers to China ! Welcome to global business ! It's survival of the fittest where you are only as good as your next risk taking, and China took one hell of a risk in its 2 systems and its ambition to dominate globally a system that it can't control ! The reality is that the West may have hacked into your system whilst they let you hack into 'middle-sized western organisations' to keep you distracted!

The last successful political Revolution was achievable only in Oct 1917, because technology can destroy any contemporary threat today . It is ludicrous for any Left wing subversives to think that it can firstly keep any threat to the status quo from the authorities and secondly to have the fire power to cause any alarm to the authorities ! So why have other Revolutions happened since 1917? Because of global long termism that will mean Revolution's and their impact will not last and never can ! Is this what the West thinks of Marxist China or vice versa ? Welcome to the calculus of time and economics ! So why did the Bolshevik Revolution happen ? Because it was supported and organised by the German Foreign Minister (Arthur Zimmerman ) who wanted Tsarist Russia out of the 1st world War by hoping to let Bolshevism implode and destroy Russia as a Capitalist and Imperialist competitor after the war ! The Bolshevik Revolution was a 'German revolution' that bussed in Lenin etc from anonymity in Switzerland to stage a Revolution that was meant to bury Russia rather than to turn Marxism into a global threat ! Is it any surprise that Hitler needed a scape -goat to blame for Zimmerman's folly ?Ironically, Hitler also failed to dismantle the very Sovietism that a German helped create, and yet Capitalism and Democracy did ! The long-play right?!

Hitler may have sunk 200 allied ships during the evacuation at Dunkirk, but the British navy so distinguished itself by saving 330,000 troops evacuated to British shores, compounded by the successful Narvik mission to sink the pride of the Nazi navy (the Erich Griese) that Hitler couldn't risk the British Navy destroying the 'superior naval race' intercepting his invasion fleet !No wonder he turned to air power to hunt down the British Navy in order to invade Britain ! So by September 1940, Britain had defeated the 'Superior race' at sea and in the air ! Indeed, to rub salt in the wounds of Nazi 3rd Reich, by June 1944 (D-Day) the allies did something that Hitler couldn't, and that was the largest successful sea invasion force in history that 4 years earlier Hitler had to turn to invade Soviet Russia to avoid a humiliating failure ! Hitler was defeated even in his Nazi prime by 1940, and furthermore, Britain managed to bring the Red Army into the 2nd World War and another front for Hitler to fight by Hitler waging Barbarossa as a consolation prize to not acquiring the British Empire ! And when Hitler was defeated, the British Empire inpart, no longer served all concerns interests, whose raison d'etre had already served its glorious universal purpose (for some its only purpose), where war against fascism took and shook the whole world to achieve it !!


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