S- Does it really take you 9 pints to write Randall?
R- It's either that or I maintain a strict schedule of monotony until my patience runs-out ?
R- I know ! " Wear some diction friction or grow a spare ?" But when did repair work ever lead to anything ?
S- 'Repair work?'
R- "Pages are meant for words not Weddings?"
S- Why don't you just type them on your lap-top like everyone else?
R- What lap-top experience do you have Painter? Oh, wait you don't have a lap-top experience, you only have your precious library for emails...Emails from insignificance I'd say !
S- Your so not !
R- What does that even mean?
S- Write it down ! Don't let the stage destroy the page.
R- Word-rage! From rage to ruin in 3 easy steps !
S- That's it ! Spar in the bar !
R- This is condescension ! Stick to your glue or paint ,whatever it is it is yesterday !
S- Re-engage the beige?
R- "Don't do it!?! Don't do it ! Spew it !"
S- You can do so much more !
R- I prefer the 'why should I? '
S- Bring the thing ! Don't be a clown with a frown !
R- Listen old pensioner..
S-.................................I'm not a pensioner yet,....but some of my peer group are !
R- 'Graft and blunt' at the front !
S- Buck the muck and you'll get...........
R-...stuck ?
R- Talking is so slow isn't it?
S- Talking is so slow to have any import
R- Import ? Isn't that a big word like marmalade?
S- You got my sarcasm then? It really wasn't out there !
R- My word is my blade and we're going to have to cut -ff your word allowance !
S- Must you always revert to being mother?
R- just pay your way and every thing will be Okay !
S- Is this the way to the pub?
R- Pound for pound We'll make it sound !
S- Stop using basic obvious and get those 'Greenshield stamps working for us !
R- I'll do my greens if spill the beans !
S- Now that was uncalled for ! Do you know how painful your perpetual word sling thing is ? Think of the children ! What happens if you destroy their futures ?
R- If basic rhyme is being weaponized then I'm ready, refuelled and..
S-..............................................................................................out of time !
S- Language is normally lean, but you make a dog's-dinner of it !!
R- I'm just getting something going here !
S- Dimitri? Is she really going to..
R- .......................................Dimitri works for me ! No change not even shrapnel there !
S- I keep hoping the clock will strike midnight! But somehow the ugly sisters always win and Cinderella loses ?! How can that work ?
R- Sisters are doing it for themselves !
S- But the bad guys win ?
R- Bad guys is a large and expansive indefinable term