Scoring points at the politically correct altar leads to social and economic failure by dividing and ruling. It is counter-productive despite all the good will in the world. London 2012: an ex-Somalian refugee, a mixed race women and a white red headed man all won gold medals in under an hour, a triumphant declaration of not being sub-divided into 19th century social and ethnic anachronisms. Britain can out-manoeuvre and side-step every sub-division every multi-ethnic sub-cultural manifestation of socially irresponsible tribalism. In America the heavy-weight champion in the UFC is welcomed as an American because he talks-up American values and personifies a Croatian accent and his ex- European ex status embracing America. Britain is littered with Stipe Moacic's that will succeed regardless. Indeed, in Britain we have many different accents that are just as willful just as nuanced as anywhere in the world. Let's speak -out! We are not over-savvy, egotistical,or punching above our weight, but we are under-performing because we invented the post-code lottery. Birth place isn't even in the same ball park as signing -up to be as British as loyal and as successful as you can be. Stop trying to 'accomodate' and simply defend with a back-foot defensive stroke when you can be so successful on the front foot. You start on the path of self-fulfilling prophesies and you wind-up being dependent on it. The naked eye is as unswerving as your own finger-print living the let living from high rise council flat to anything you can be. Today we have the opportunity to rise from the over-indulgence of our formal Britishness and out-perform our parents, our neighbours without having to call our sons Sebastian. Social mobility is a tired phrase for many when it actually entails the fuel of regeneration and long-term sense of place and orientation. Mobility doesn't even have to be dependent on social differences when you are who you are and want what you want and out-compete your own dreams.
Prejudice is a form of entrenched passivity and an intrusion against self-transformation. It stems from a paltry excuse to not front-up to ones weaknesses- prejudice relies upon not challenging ones perceptions and is bottling-it when the going gets difficult. No ones perfect but that's why to deal with prejudice is a forever thing. Learning is not what we do for ourselves it is what we do to each other not what is detailed a manual. you are your own manual, embrace it. Rework ignorance by out-performing ignorance, and conquer your self-doubt by enjoying the failure of ignorance whilst you get bigger. Thrive by drive, positivity and British skill sets that are unique. Where else would you start your business but in a market that is not saturated ? Being true to yourself is a platitude that rarely evolves, but this beautiful country won't know what's hit it by the time you've conquered and broken down glass-ceilings which don't exist in open America. This is your opportunity to make your Britain by bettering 'low and shallow' expectations of you. Judged by your deeds not by your or their fears. Don't be chopped-up into 'bite-size Britain' because East or West doesn't matter as much as successfully passing the loyalty and aspirations test. You are more than 'new Britain, more than one nation Britain' you are 'Now Britain'. California is for empty dreams for many or broken hearts and glitter ghetto's compared with seizing the day and fulfilling your destiny and creating your Britain. You don't have to break the iron curtain like my generation, you can run free and leave the fences behind that leads Britain into the the frontier spirit laden with your oyster. Even the shit weather can't freeze or boil your ambitions, built by you for you and with you. Take up this challenge and the rewards of re-designing and re-wiring your life is limitless.