S- I see you're being provocative in your writing as per usual? R- What did you expect? S- How could Ray Winston play a copper in Jesus' time? R- He could play a part written for him 'doing Cockney' as Lazzarus' best mate S- That's a stretch Ran R- Humour me! S- Can I read it? R- No you can't! It's not ready! S- This is the time when you humour me Randall! RW......." OI OI! Carmon Lazz! Get yourself up you muppet! L- What the hell did I drink last night? RW- Wot didn't you drink last night? Actually yer didn't drink anyfing at oll Bugger-all, nuffink! L- I need a new stomach RW- Don't be such a pain in the arris! There you are! That's rite my sun!?! And brush yerself up and don't forget the dedistry?! Ow, And get yerself sum splash on that boat of yours! That's right, you look mustard! Carm on, giv yerself some light and skin yerself sum sun! Carm on, look lively!" Thank God you didn't have him down as Jesus! I mean, how many Ray Winston films have you stolen from? It's all cockney cliches! R- Wait! I have 3 police sirens for RW's police car - get this: "I don't care!...", or "Fight the power!", and lastly, I've left the worst for last: "Hit me with your rhythm stick..Hit me ..Hit me.." S- Ran! You can't but offend those who have good reason to be offended! RW..."Lazzer mi boi..I'm the copper that got yer! I don't do gallantry! I nick-um and then oi Send em darn! And as for yer friend Jesus of Nazareth....be careful, he's a marked man! You don't piss-off Caiphus by good behaviour! Corse I've got yer back if anyfing gers pair-shaped! L- I feel dreadful! ......... RW....................Lazzer moi sun, wots wrong nar? Oi my god, yer bleeding aout yer nostrils! Lazz,LAZZ! Oi! Sam one get a fucking doctor or sumink! Naw!.. S- And you truly believe that that's how Jesus Christ was asked to perform his most significant and symbolically most important miracles do you? R- Look I'm not religious at all, it's just that.. S-..........................................................you would prefer to insult Christians globally by creating a part written for 'the daddy', Mr nasty Ray Winston? R- I don't believe in any censorship.. S- ............................................That's crap Randall! No one believes in censorship until damage is done to something precious and sacred! R- Not in your back yard! S-.............................You know that is used to claim hypocrisy, but here this is insulting! R- And you're a defender of rights for some and not for others! S-...............I don't even know what that means Randall? R- " No one is gonna save yer Painter, u wil git no speshul treatment from me.. an oi don't expect any favors miself eever!" S- If that's the way you want to play it...I know you have certain background problems with Chritian.. R-.........the nuns were ...... S- Ok so don't piss on their breakfast under the guise of freedom of the press and the global village of liberty.. R- I get it!! S- You can't rely on having a point to prove either! R- Don't lecture me you bastard!........... S-..................... R- OK then...but how else can I bump-start writing again when I'm stuck in the writers... S- Block the block! R- Nice! ..Very unhelpful, but nice! S- Write a scene or passage in total sarcasm and then move it to irony and self- critical sardonicism... R- Is there any sardonic who isn't self-critical? S- Over-smarts has led you into unable to depart... R- You're talking about one hour of exercise for the prison inmates now! S- Find you're own emotional transformation from one experience to another..It'll open up whats pinning you down.. just don't rely on fashionable accessories such as insult and offence to rid yourself of what ever it is that's pulling you under.."
S- That's pretty good! I see you have me down as a preachy type? R- Wanted to play with being stuck and passive released by a series of stereotypes which are undercut by trust between two people who rely on each other. S- The character 'I play' is a stickler but also knows how to emerge from his own prison of his past R- That's why she trusts him...Not because he's right but because he's honest! S- Because we now write to each other in the 3rd person or by characters we find necessary to let go.. R-...Let go?...Ah, of course! You need to dramatise your life into fictional accounts to relive differently... S-...Thanks for that Randall! R- ............................just fucking with you! S- Let me do it!? R- My turn! S- Last but not least... R-..............................that's what we'll do then!?