Every eco system enjoys the coexistence of predators who will be made prey of other predators who will be made predators ad infinitum, it keeps the eco system regulated and undisturbed, so whenever something extreme imposes itself, it throws the whole ecosystem into imbalance. Especially when only one predator survives- It self-cannibalizes! That leaves the ex-ecosystem into mania, hysteria and pathological unknown territory that is highly combustible and deeply traumatized..... that was made manifest in the human ecosystems of the 1930s lurch into Nazism! An absolute catastrophe beyond European borders and poisoning the world order! Indeed, the Nazi's brought an abyss of tyranny by natural deselection, a 'de-evolution' by the mechanics of militarised aversion to any threat that it felt needed to destroy, namely moderate Democrats, Jews, and Communists!!!!??? Why? Because of pathological delusion that managed to suspend reality by a corrupted conviction loop for a narrative of over simplistic logic directed at the majority of Germans who were illiterate peasants, aristocrats and business magnates. The rural population were guaranteed mass reemployment and to take part in a new realignment of social and racial hierarchy to incorporate and expel and to re-educate all of the new master race of their superiority, whilst the Nazi's appealed to the ego and cheque book of the aristocracy and business community that could sleep more easily in their beds as the fear of Communism had abated, bribed with visions of their leadership of an invincible ancestral lineage that 'manifested itself by superiority of blood lines with an ancient 'Aryan super race' and by adopting an industrial programme to re-launch anti hyper inflationary economics by mass state industrial production and state expansion. Public state narcissism propagandised a new era weaponised to expose those who were deemed not just enemies but now inferior to the 'master race'!
How on earth did the reasoned and educated excellence of the same Germany people who produced Beethoven, Kant and Goethe ever be so easily brainwashed by Nazi's? How do you think!!!? It was because of the great peoples of Germany had the lifeblood of its great logicians and philosophers and poets, composers, mathematicians etc that no one would suspect that such a Nazi calamity would ever befall the great German people! It was expected that Germany would always be relied upon to be natures and democracies weapon (even though it had fought the Allies in the 1st WW) to prevent a lunatic extremist from coming to power! In fact, the victorious allies who defeated Germany etc put up such extreme demands of reparations on Germany because they could not conceive of Germany descending into the nightmare of Hitler coming to power! The world had misplaced its trust in a turbulent epoch and that also misinformed Chamberlain to plan to let a Nazi/Soviet war eradicate each other leaving an expansion of the British Empire into Europe to sweep up afterwards But hadn't the great but troubled ideology of Marx ruled out Russia to be capable of a successful Bolshevik Revolution just as Democratic Britain , France and America never thought Germany would ever embrace Hitler? Is there a theme running here? Don't bank on any favourite, place your bets on the outsider instead when it comes to politics!?!That unfortunately is not a spectre that we can only apply to the 1930s is it!! There are rumblings from Auschwitz survivors on Holocaust Memorial Day about history beginning to repeat itself.......
Moreover, Nazi's believed they had been self-liberated because naturally 'they were the master race', especially when no one else got it! Their destiny was to be ruling in a third Reich over the inferior races for a thousand years! Ruled by the 'Supermen of Nietzche,' the 'enemies and the inferiors ' were to be subjugated and then exterminated because they would render an impurity in the ascendance of Aryan destiny! But the Nazi's had a tendency of self-inflicted schism and often purged its own ranks with Nazi versions of internal friendly fire assassinations- mass executions! If it treated its own supporters (often who may have been becoming too influential but absolutely loyal ) to the slaughter... the writing was on the wall for all those on a long list of enemies and those deemed inferior who no doubt would have given testimony to have been victims of a 'psychological 'projection scenario ' on an epic scale, but who were 'silenced' for Nazi fears of the exposure of a unintended Nazi scam but by mass neurosis and pathological criminal insanity backed-up by hate and contempt which, in turn fed the Nazi delusion and self -brain washing to even more ritualisation and even more lethal extremes! This wasn't just an arms race in the midst of a global war, this was an international race to transcend every moral civilized code by public displays of ruthless barbarity that all the global dictators of the 2nd World War tried to match and beat Hitler's expansionism in all arteries that would defy Stalin's need to punish his own people and let Hitler do it for him!
I believe that if Hitler had won the war, it wouldn't have been Democracy that he'd have to fear, but Stalinism. There is an idea that Naziism and Stalinism were more alike than you'd think. They shared the same concept of a superior ideological conviction that destiny or history had handed them, and they shared similar intolerance to those who were dissidents, and they were both responsible for mass genocide. In fact, the only 'Empire' capable of using centralised dictat and the infrastructure of state cruelty a la Nazi was Sovietism under Stalin! Stalin 's cynical imposed Holodomor (where 7/8 million Ukrainians starved to death in the 1930s ) was cultivated in his Collectivisation programme, whereas the country that Hitler had fought for in the 1stWW that created Mustard Gas were led by a tyrant who used his war experience to poison millions of Jews and gypsies etc This is the territory of perversion and organised hate criminality beyond even apocalyptic nightmares!!
At least Hitler's nemesis began when his invasion of the Soviet Union turned militarily against him. Code named Barbarossa, Hitler's armies were built for blitzkrieg not for occupation, and the massive landmass of the USSR was built to absorb them and depress all those who imagined this invasion would be swift. The exhausting horizons and the terrors of the Russian winter delayed the Nazi invaders buying time for the very mobile factories that could easily be deployed to reenforce and build massive numbers of Soviet tanks (300 a month) for the Red army to regenerate, from Vladivostok to the Baltic. Actually the longer the lines of fresh troops and supplies were that of the Nazi's too, whilst the Nazi's were fighting on multiple fronts in North Africa, and by 1941 the Americans boosted the allies capabilities and provided a much needed injection of morale , whilst the many Resistance guerilla fighters across all of Nazi occupied Europe kept undermining the Nazi war effort by providing episodic 'fronts that the Nazi's couldn't put permanent plans in place because the battle ground kept changing and the Resistance fighters would melt back into the background. What happened to the master race was then inevitable. But those in concentration camps paid a terrible price for the Nazi's slow recognition that they had lost their precious Third Reich by their own deluded narcissist brutality and their misplaced faith in a charismatic but tyrannical failure whose legacy is one of Nazi destruction keenly most remembered by those who bear witness by strength and courage today. Their stories of surviving the Holocaust entail that some then had to survive The Cold War moderate and inspire us all.!!! Here is a cry from the past and a dream of the future that we should all share with all generations and all peoples. Let's make the dignity for all and the freedom to express ourselves our mission!