Rosetti's immortalization of his muse (the red-head) remains controversial but I believe spearheads the anti-Painting in Art Colleges today.
The pre-Raphaelite legacy (especially Dante Rossetti's Paintings) may well induce admiration and contemporary recognition far and wide, but it also stands for the end of the line for Painting on the Art colleges Curriculum.. In short, look-up ,look at, and write-off Painting by the faux nostalgia of the 'pre-rapphs', both as noblesse and as elegant. I believe that the Art top table has had to justify and side-line the medium of Painting on so many levels both contemporary and ideological that it has had to avoid herd predictability and the Cold War affliction of form stagflation that has put cultural collapse of the ex Warsaw Pact Eastern European ex Soviet challenges, and its scrambling to emerge from the detritus of Cold War torn Europe.But is Technology the answer ? Tech oscillation has burdened Tech centric Art because it has proved to be obsolete before it is even rolled-out to the public ! So is it any surprise that instead of fighting-it-out in public, Art functionaries are using the marmite of the pre-Raph's and the marmite redhead muse to enable Art Colleges to 'effectively draw a line of Painting from the 19th century Britain as its default position on why Painting shouldn't be encouraged let alone studied!!??
But if it's tech you're after, it isn't hard to illustrate how Art-tech has modified human behaviour -the mobile-phone ! Now add to the mass production and use of them, add the internet and grasp the manipulation of social media in contemporary Britain and you have the most consumerist interactive format and franchise to dominate Cultural aesthetics etc That should signal a concern to those who may have different convictions and ideological mass production and of whom it has been known to be predatory towards the West. Not even the Twitter user Donald Trump can avoid being labelled as a social media maker breaker that may well be hacked into by foreign hackers ! But can't the human imperfection and the integrity of hand to brush to Paint to canvas via the unique human eye save us from being trolled and hacked?!! Paintings are rarely copytable in exactitude, but isn't that piece of human DNA a celebration of human evolution ? We are mutations, and we are unique, and we are the prime conductors of our cultural and social evolution without high tech ! Certainly the pre-raph's fin de siecle, the nostalgic sentimentalism and the opportunism can not contain a contemporary upsurge in British practitioner's who are not burdened with Ideological adversarial contempt !! Surely Marmite Art of a Marmite muse of an autumnal redhead can't just be the final word on Painting not just in the 19th century but of its influence even today too ?? Let's not let a Painting by the pre-Raph's of Ophelia's death be symbolic of the death of any versions of modernist Paintings, both 19th,20th and 21st centuries' versions of 'Paintings' Modernism' !
But what we do know is that Dante Rosetti's intentions were quite opportunist and was not the Romantic he liked to publically live up to ! It was him that he was idolising in his Paintings and not his muse ! I read that it was him who exhumed an ex to find his book of poetry that he so publically bequeathed to her coffin at her funeral, just because someone said he wanted to read Dante's poetry and held it in some esteem - hardly noble, trying to enhance his own career whilst posing as a Romantic !!?? Indeed, I would have thought that that piece of info would anger most students and put them off the pre-raph's ? or maybe that was the...idea !..? Mr mercenary?? Certainly not the savant or shamon either ! Painter's today lost that pretentious poseur ?
Yet Paintingwith its human touch by finger-tips are more telling and truth-saying where the human eye is so evolved individually that it combines to steer an image into a direction of potential solace, respite and re-energizing perspective and idiosyncratic way of touching base ! From earth made fauna and flora etc our essential nature made this, our independent Turing Test of Paint on a surface that by-passes AI potential or threat ! It can be our own gargoyle to scare evil away from our freedoms. It offers us a rethink of technologies, a time-out where nature and nurture should be seen in the light of the organic versus the cold artificial engineered mechanics of Ai . It engages us and because it is low tech, will never become obsolete and will remain as a defender of a living breathing organism called humanity, and only seems top be out of fashion when it is waiting in the wings to embody the best of us all !