S- Yeah ! That went well !?
R- Any last words ?
S- That should be me
R- You're all out of first words
S- Well that's an option
R- This is not the pre-Chrimbo drink I said it would be
S- I think I'd already gathered that
R- 6 months for possession
S- That's a bit harsh !
R- for you not for me
S- I'm just visiting..
R- ..........................for 6 months. I need you to work the group here !
S- Forgive my intrusion into your master plan for us, but I'm a little flabbergasted that...er..
R-.........................................................................................................................................that this wasn't the way you thought that ..
S-................................................this day would quite turn out like this ?
R- Quite
S- So , possession of my faculties, for 6 months, means I work the group !?
R- I'm run off my feet here !
S- I'm still recovering consciousness and you're are complaining that you're 'rushed off your feet? What's he doing here anyway?
R- Hector's my masseur ! Hector, Painter, Painter Hector
S- Enchanted I'm sure but Randall ! QUITE a lot of 'No shit !! Actually Randall
R- Aurrora did say you'd see the funny side of this !
S- How fucking right she was !
R- Whose Aurrora anyway? She got me into Gauntanimo !
S- You have women reserving a place for you at other secure black-op prison will kill you sites as well ?
R- She 's such a dear !
S- Don't give me that crap Randall !!
R...........................................................Why not ?
S- Why not is the wrong question here !
R- So that's settled ! We have much work to do here Hornsby ! Wait until you meet the others !
S- No doubt your father has got something stashed away !
R- Every ones hooked !
S- Every ones addicted to the 'talcum powder' or..
R- This is a great opportunity to enjoy serious employment here !
S- This isn't one of your bank scams is it Randall ?
R- If I can get the crowd in Guantanimo addicted to their own stuff...it can work for me here too !
S- And what are these henchmen..........
R-...............................................I don't argue with the script, just with the pronunciation of it - it's henchmun'
S- Good to know !
R- You'll need to wear these spectacles..there you are, and carry with you this tiny little mark..
S-........................................aaaaagh !
R- Thank you 'Needles'! Oh come on ! It's just a little tattoo.
S- I've been bloody branded !
R- More of a permanent passport !
R- ....yeah ! It looks great ! Don't worry about....just a simple injection ! Thanks Bernie ! And you'll be up on your feet in no time.
B- When you seek, no worry unless you bash your head on concrete floor when you panic after LSD makes you timid..
R-....................................'Terrified' not 'timid',Thanks Bernie the bolt !
R- He still thinks I'm talking about a certain athlete.
S- You have real rumour panic issues..
R-...............................................don't fight the impulse control loss
S- Let's just get the bad dreams over with !
R- Now that's just confirmation bias ! You may feel rather unwell I'm afraid ! The blokes need to think you almost died for me ! So , whilst I have my toutsis's tenderly masseured by Heck.
S- Heck !? Shouldn't that be 'By Jove !?
R- Now that's more like the little social descender I was initially drawn to !
R- Just rest and stop talking !
S- I'...mmmm go...ing.. to ..eat.... your ..cat....
R- No you can't hurry love !
S- ...tr.uoble ......a head ...tr..oubl..be...hin..d if ....you..got that ................not..ion........ .watch.. yer..............................
R- ...Speed ! You know he does talk a lot and he does talk very little as well, but you can see the potential can't you Pater ?
F- He look like jerk ! He soft ! No good for you or me !
R- Pater, do you have to do that accent for the readers?
F- I speak from heart !!
R- Trust me readers, he's..a good man !
Reader- Your father or Painter?
R- Who do you think ? Der !
Reader- Clear as mud Randall !
R- I knew I'd regret getting you to tag along !
Reader- Are you going to tell Painter the truth ?
R- What is this? Black dark mirror Phil the K Dick or my mother here ? .. hang-on, i was right my Mother put you up to this didn't she ? Look startled for the camera's and Mater will not know you're on team Randall !
S-...her......... lad in .sane !
R and Reader- Shut it Painter !
S- So why did you let Stormzy in here anyway?
R- Because he needed time away from making money...
S- ....................................So you helped him lose some?
R- Banking here is like cards - Mr'S' is not good at cards !
S- But you make sure 'clean-up' is about spreading your cards ?
R- Who said the world was honest ? Did you hear me say the world was honest? The world can not abide an individual who has made peace with dishonesty without cashing in himself ! Do you want to be one of those blokes ?
S- Love ,leave and weep ?
R- Well if you must put all your eggs in one basket !!
S-" I will survive ! ..Oh not you ! Walk out the door, you're not wanted anymore.."
R- How many broken hearts did you leave behind you because of HER !???
R- Money doesn't make the world go round,... yes perhaps cowardice does too but it is a sure fact that 'love' goes round and trying to avoid a second broken heart 'is what makes the world go round !! Experience it and pass it on 'is the world we exist in Painter !!
S- Succour or sucker? That is the social digestion !
R- Why didn't we have this conversation earlier?
S- We did, 6 lines ago !
R- Are you sure you're up to this ?
S- "Give me love ,love,love crazy love"
R- Van the man still ! Bernie shoot him with something ! He's all X files without relief !
S-"Love is in the air..."
R- Air tight for you ! Too much excitement in one day Painter !
S- " Goodbye yellow shit grove, before I turn you into a toad.."
R- The toad has turned, but is still all Sterling Moss ! Bernie give him one of your potions that I pay all that money for !
S- James Hunt ! The force wasn't with him, but the speed was !
R- You're the governor sweet pea ! Or should I just call you SP ?
S- You need a lawyer Ran ?
R- Spoilt for choice in here ! No outsiders is the rule ! It upsets mummy!
S- Any break-outs on the cards ?
R- My father is in charge of all break-outs
S- But your father builds these monstrosities ?
R- Never turn down a dollar in here Ste !
S- Now that does sound like your mother !
R- The rule of prison is that you break-in and not the other way round
S- You'll be needing some women in here, to make things actually work as an on-going investment?
R- This is run by women you berk! All the screws are women !
S- Out of choice ?
R- Out of coercion ! The screws in here love to get payback time against men !
S- No doubt people meet their prospective husbands and wives in here !
R- It's a dating agency with a twist I confess
S- HANG THE FUCK ON ! Where are my testicles?
R- Ah, Yes. They'll be returned on departure fully restored. Would like them to be aged 18 or....like they are now?
S- I'm going to be a real good boy here !
R- That's the spirit ! If you don't cooperate well then they are non-returnable ! Patter orders ! They are out of my hands so to speak Painter !
S- You are out of your mind !
R- No ! I still don't play chess to impress, just to win ! You, however, are out of balls ! You're all middle-caged !
S- Late middle-aged and time is ticking !
R- Go see a Priest !
S- One fallen of the back of a lorry?
R- The best of them are human Ste !
S- All liberal and no where to go?
R- It's either a job here ,in the urban squalor of life or they become cheerleaders !
S- An Endangered species bribed into ...this !
R- Politics, smolitics ! It's a message from God !
S- And you're doing Yiddish on me ?
R- Yes, but also it's Bracknelleese !
S- God comes from Bracknell? I thought that..
R- He's from Brooklyn...I know..,but it is still a sister city with Bracknell !
S- Woodie Allen was born in Bracknell .
R- Woodie ? From Toy story?
S- Allen
R- Dave?
S- Caesar Azpellicuerta ?
R- Now where both confused ! How did we confuse everybody ?
S- Priest ! Caesar is a football 'Apostle' for the Blues !
R- Got us out of paralysis there Painter ! Nice switch ! Did any body notice ? Did...Didn't Bill Shankly say "Football is more important than life"?
R- Or should that be Christianity is more important than life ?
S- Phone a friend
R- We've got Skype here !
S- Good to know ! As it is good for us all that God probably has had 'skype' before Genesis !
R- Saved us from from sticky situations.........I mean what the hell happened to Phil Collins ?
S- Define it for us !
R- I never could get along with dictionaries ! Kept re-defining words that weren't accurately defined...
S- ...in the ...er..dictionaries ?
R- Do you want me to spell it out for you? ..............Do you think I'm hostile ?
S- The 3 degrees (Sergei, Dimitri and Vladimir ) tend to redefine peoples faces for you !
R- Yes, now we are talking !! A broken nose and lost teeth by Spreading a little distribution or is that retribution? Anyway........those were the days ! Today it isn't the same...
S- You see, if they'd confessed to the Priest and not your torturers... the Priest just holds-up a yellow or a red card !! What could be simpler than eternal damnation ?
R- And the yellow cards ?
S- Purgatory on earth Randall! This is what a Scot once told me : Life is hard, it gets worse and then you die ! That's purgatory here on earth
R- Bring me some of that magic spray hector !!!
S- You're going no where until you are properly forgiven by a Priest !
R- Bernie the Bolt ?
S- Bernie the Bolt is your ..Priest ?
R- It's his day job !
S- How did he survive the Soviet purges? Of the Clergy stupid !?
R- he used to be a chemist
S- Dr death ? A new leprosy coming out in the New Year ?
R- Soviet 'chemical programme was long-hand for Soviet pogroms !
S- A clean...actually not so clean kill ? The same victims ?
R- He wrestled back his conscience by secretly cloning democracy from very acquiescent American Priests !
S- Wait ! You said he was a chemist ?
R- He's also a great actor....and a biochemist specializing in gene therapy.
S- So...?
R- Gorbachov was a clone of an American Priest ?
S- God works in mysterious ways my friend.
S- And the rest of Bernie the Bolt ?
R- Was history ! Now the Russian Orthodox Church has one of their own inside !
S- Valuable or viable work? A lethal cocktail of..?
R- His potions have always risked life but never ever take it !
S- Your whiskey Priest com bio-geneticist chemist who redeems himself by risking the souls of others to make your economy work, underneath the underworld of iniquity ?
R- Degenerate souls make the economy legitimate for others not for themselves !
S- A sacrifice by the spiritually poor - has a ring to it ?!
R- Fiendishly rich people do Dickens here ! That's what Patter used as a blue-print for all his branches !
S- Bank 'branches'? Your father built Prisons in Siberia like they were off-shore investment eggs beyond the reach of the taxman !
R- How else do prisoners and criminals pay for their prison terms?
S- You make it sound as though this is 'Prison Reform '?
R- Criminals should be charged for the crimes they commit especially those who deliberately commit crimes to get long-term convictions to be inside a bank like this !!?
S- The perfect Bank robbery ! The justice system employs criminals to collect and pay their own taxes, get banged-up away from being public menaces and they get to play casino in the mix ?!
R- Slow down Painter ! Don't attract attention to yourself ! The market doesn't like someone nosing around or some one who bucks the trend or who has found an inside track !!
S- The trends are bucked then ? Don't buck the 'market but do fuck the market !!?
R- You'll have your pitch sooner than later !
R- Time to go to sleep Painter !
S- Actually feeling a bit sleepy !
R- Okay.. keep him awake for 17 days Bernie
S- Is that 'CODE' ?
R- You've got 17 days and 17 nights to think about it ! You'll break it or it will break you?
S- That way I won't be useful to you !
R- Have you really thought this through ? Oh wait ! I can help you with that ! Bernie the Bolt ! "Buck-up or fuck-up"?
S- Now Ladies be gentle with me !
R- Boys will be boys and girls will rule the world !
S- Don't forget to pay your parking ticket !
R- Is that po..lice or please ?
S- Did I ever tell you that I've always had time for sociopaths ?
R- U-sayin Usainer than these friends of mine ?
S- I thought we'd met before ? Bernie.. Bernice ! Mickey the chippy?
B- Regents park liberree or the British museeseme ! We had chips in Museeseme ! How are you ..
S-.......................................Painter !
B- Painter ! You good with faces, and boss like you !
R- just remember the importance of the work we do here Bernie; tortur first, friends later !
S- We'll catch-up after the torture then !
...................................................................................................................................................R- PAINTER! Don't do this to me ! Come on man! pull through you son of a bitch ! Don't make me miss you ! Amber ! Can't you do something?
A- It's not in my control..it's up to him whether he revives himself !
R- You are a shit Painter, a fucking lousy Artist a bloody awful friend ! Don't the fuck die on me ! ... Don't leave me alone... I can't
A- Louder ! He could respond to your voice still !
S- Wha..t ..th fucc....
A- We've got him ! Great ! He's alive but I don't know how much we've lost of him yet?
R- Could it be permanent ?
A- STEPHEN? Can you hear me ?
S- Stop fuckin ..shouting at me ! Piss the f..off !
A- He's responding... 125 milligrams now !
R- Why has he shut -up? What have you done Amber ? What the.
S-.....................................................Man, have I got a bloody hangover from hell ! Shit where the fu......am ... I?
A- It's okay.
S- Fuck you Amber fucking-dectrous !
A - Looks good!
R- Are you okay ? Is he going to be okay ?
S- Randall, you are not the woman of my dreams trust me !
R- He's back, he's bloody back !
D- You lucky bastard Mr Painter !
R- Stop your whining Dimitri !
A- Just take some deep breaths Mr Hornsby-smith Okay/ spit any phlegm........... just like that out. easy sit him up ! We're in an ambulance Stephen. you gave us quite a fright back there !
S- I was given quite a fright myself too !
R- That's his sense of humour ! It doesn't take-up much of your time !
R- Is he okay Amber?
S- ...............he is sitting here , right here, right in front of you ! Drop the 3rd person !
A- are you sure you want this arsehole back ?
R- That's his sense of humour Painter !
S- I'm trying to level-out and you want a 'touche'?
A- I just saved your life mother-fucker..so...don't be so ungrateful !
R- His mouth still hasn't recovered from his ego !
S- hey ! I've just come back from the dead..
A-.....................................................you'll need a day or too under observation, but you did collapse and er........took along time to...emerge !
S- Thanks for rescuing me from a nightmare Doc 1
A- Just Amber
S- But Randall is a piece of shit !
A- Are you always so....
R- That's my boy !
A- give him some morphine and then the staff will take him on from there
S- Thanks Amber ! I don't know yet how to be grateful, I'm stil..
A- .........................In rude health !
S- Don't run into any crims today !
A- I only run into crims Painter
S- Well run them all over for me !...errr (pukes)
A- Out of the mouth means it's not in your lungs !
S- Oh, I'm having a fucking ball here !
R- Nuts! Crisps and drink !
S- Errrgh (pukes some more) !
S- Better in than out !
R- Humour, ungratefulness and self-pity?
S- I'm okay about all of it ! I just don't want to puke it all up !
R- If only you could !
M-How is he recovering?
R- Thanks mother !
M- He's a good strong boy
S- I'm sure we have spoken before, but now I'm lost for words..
R- Still with the puke !
S- That would be me
M- Nice ride in the ambulance? Rhetorical ! We'll run down the piece of shit that tried to poison my daughter !
S- So this is her fault ? makes..
R..............................................for quite a night !
A- Randall was quick enough off the mark to save you tonight !
S- I am truly grateful beyond levels that any of you could possibly imagine!
R- No ! No BS ! He actually hasn't thrown in any sarcasm or irony etc
S- Now the torture begins again !
A- we need to pimp stuff back into your lungs to get the poison out of it !
S- What poison ?
A- As Mother has just said to you, someone tried to poison you last night ! It was meant for me ! You took one for the team !
S- Assassinations are not my strong suit !
R- Quite
S- I mean I do do a line in character assassinations for free !
R- Too much too much !
S- Spin those words Ran !
A- Don't give him any alcohol for 5 hours !
S- Good to see you so choked-up over me Ran ?!
R- I'd miss our little catch-ups ! Mother? Are you still there ?
M-.........Amber, I want a full report in an hour on my desk !
A- Absolutely Ma'am !
M- Perhaps we can make some money from this ? Grissley needs telling !
R- Mother ! Not now ?!!
S- I'm up for it !.....
R-............... That was sarcasm Mother !
S- Which part of Mr death do you want for your trophy cabinet Painter ?
R- You know about Mr death ?
M- I authorized the hallucinogen to control your heart before it exploded from a new form of poison. Don't thank me . How is Bernice ?
R- I'll bite Mr death's bollocks off !
S- You fucki..
A- That would be the morphine speaking Ma'am !
S- You are all a bunch of....shit I've just followed through !
S- This, none of this is funny Randall Singer or Sayer or ..
R-......................................................................................whatever, but come-on , you shitting yourself is sort of funny!? After all for 4 hours I thought you were brain dead 1 You owe me a bit of 'relief' !
S-..................................................fuck-you Ran,also Ran !
R- I suffered last night and this morning for you !
S- But you bastards poisoned me twice over and now you want me to play nice ? Am I the only one to see the sunrise here?
R- That was one hour ago Stephen.
S-.........................................And another thing ! Don't call me next time I'll call you !
A- We've been 'calling you' for 6 hours Stephen ! Don't make a habit of it Okay ?
S- What was the LSD gone hard-core doing to me ...I mean exactly what did you give me?
A- 12 Roger 'Utley's' trying to break your head. It was a calculated risk that trauma would wake you up !
S- We're talking the Matrix times A million !
R- Did I come to your rescue?
S- No you did not Randall ! You'd gone all Frederick and Rosemary West on me ! It was like my divorce !
R- I thought you weren't divorced ?
S- I am now !
R- Ouch ! That's got to hurt !
R- Hardly a fair fight ?
S- You took the words out of my mouth, no you also took all my teeth out of my mouth! Don't you dare let Gladys the Shark from Paris hand-out any psycho-analysis Bullshit either !
A- Often a traumatic nightmare can lead us onto a path of enlightenment !