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Apr 4, 2016
Easter's Fresh Start
Easter's Fresh Start: Simple, easy and meaningful social debate. I find myself discovering, paradoxically, humanist qualities in Christ's...
Mar 30, 2016
Fresh Start?
Here are some issues of my attempt at a fresh start. Is there a Tory dialect and paradigm that doesn't rely on bullish pragmatism? How...
Mar 16, 2016
Dare we?
Dare we eat the peach? Picking mix? Run for the hills? Seal The metaphorical channel tunnel? Save or gain or independence? Swing their...
Mar 5, 2016
Checks and balances and other weapons of choice
The 18th century founding fathers of the American constitution would be ambivalent to its 21st-century application because there are...
Feb 8, 2016
Don't let New Labour screw up new modernity again
“A warning from the recent past.” It would be trite to say New Modernity was tarnished by political personalities in the labour party,...
Feb 6, 2016
Review of Melting Snow Papercuts
Although original authorship of this reproduction of an image from a painting is not questioned, the transference of it to a new medium...
Feb 2, 2016
Political Hijacking? But by Whom?
1. Redistribution of ownership wealth. Firstly, Privatisation shares and secondly sale of council houses to occupiers; policies that are...
Jan 31, 2016
Formative Politics of the 1970s
What happened to Punk? What happened to counter-punk? At a time of great British demographic social change in the 1970’s, 2 sides drew...
Jan 18, 2016
Being Vigilant or Being a Vigilate?
BEING VIGILANT OR BEING A VIGILANTE, THAT IS THE GORE VIDAL QUESTION? 'Having seen a biography of Gore Vidal (GV), I’d like to add my...
Jan 2, 2016
Did the Iron Lady Create Teflon Tony?
DID THE IRON LADY CREATE TEFLON TONY AND CAMERON’S ‘MODERN CONSERVATISM’? Britain has been well governed (more or less) since...
Jan 2, 2016
Who Turned New Labour?
The impact on British politics of ‘Thatcher’s downfall ‘was immediate. Britain felt bereft of the dominant leader it had got used to. So...
Dec 26, 2015
Update on 'The Politics and Art of Surrealism'
In our cultural climate sensitized to economic crisis and political instability we can identify with the formative period between two...
Dec 23, 2015
Make the Most of the American Dream
All societies have a modus operandi, Britain has a liberal democratic constitutional monarchy that has evolved over millennia that has...
Nov 23, 2015
Unexplored Potential
1. I want to mount one painted canvas on top of another This could bring a metaphorical’ landscape’ that either has some chemistry...
Nov 19, 2015
Information is power
But it is the acquisition of self-knowledge that corrupts man. To be metaphorically drunk on ones own freedoms is to be free only...
Oct 26, 2015
Why blame your tools for shoddy workmanship?
One could argue pessimistically that the only redeeming factor of human nature is its release of dopamine and endorphins, pleasure...
Oct 12, 2015
The Accidental Death of "Meaningful" Politics, or The "Bearpit of Democracy"?
Bertrand Russell argued that the fundamental motivation of man is self-destructive, but I want to take issue with that. Man is capable of...
Sep 12, 2015
Painting Is History?
Art historians boasted of the ‘demise’ of Painting in the 1980’s. But was Painting finished? Its originality exhausted? Its frontiers of...
Aug 3, 2015
These paintings deal with exile
These paintings deal with exile, anger and yet the absence of brutalisation of my work. Amidst the passion and addictive struggles of my...
Jul 20, 2015
Art as a political weapon?
In ‘Our Mutual Friend’ Dickens ruthlessly introduces a bludgeoning political literary weapon in revealing the venal ‘Veneerings’, aptly...
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